OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 5. vasárnap
Az Üzleti Sajtószolgálat (Original Text Service - OTS) üzleti vállakozások, cégek, intézmények közleményeit, tájékoztatóit, meghívóit, állásfoglalásait közli. Szolgáltatásunk segítségével több mint 2000 újságírót és kommunikációs szakembert érhet el könnyen, gyorsan és költséghatékonyan – az Ön által megfogalmazott sajtóközleményt változtatás nélkül juttatjuk el az MTI-előfizetők szerkesztőségi rendszerébe vagy igény szerint akár a külföldi sajtóhoz is. (Az OTS anyagai nem képezik az MTI-kiadás részét, a szó szerint továbbított szövegekért minden esetben a közlő a felelős.)

2020. május 18., hétfő 17:50

LTO Philippines launches new online portal from DERMALOG
    Manila/Hamburg, 18 May, 2020 (APA/OTS) - The Philippine Land Transportation Office (LTO) is one of the island state's most essential authorities providing all services related to land transportation. Supported by the German company DERMALOG, the agency has launched a new portal that gives Philippine citizens online access to all LTO services without long waiting times.

    Applying for a driver's license, registering a car or paying fees - all this is now possible online in the Philippines. The Land Transportation Office has launched its new website portal.lto.gov.ph on May 18.

The portal provides fast and 24/7 access to the agency's services via computer, tablet or smartphone. Especially in times of COVID-19 and the resulting limitations on freedom of movement, the new system presents a significant benefit. After registering, citizens can apply for their driver's license, register their car or make an appointment at one of the LTO branches. Cashless payment, for all fines and fees, is now also possible online. This is time and money saving; the portal's launch means that many fees will no longer apply.
The new online portal of LTO is combined with a so-called LTMS (Land Transport Management System). It includes an Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) from DERMALOG with face and fingerprint identification, which prevents false or double identities. Furthermore, the new system allows an easy integration of services of other government agencies in the Philippines.

LTO employees also benefit from the agency's transformation. Requests can be processed with a few clicks thanks to the new system. This saves time and high costs for the Land Transportation Office. "The new LTO portal is one of the key steps on our way becoming a frontline government agency showcasing fast and efficient public service for a progressive land transport sector," says LTO chief, Assistant Secretary Edgar Galvante.
As a leading system integrator in the field of government digitization, DERMALOG has developed the portal and Land Transport Management System (LTMS) for LTO. To implement LTO's extensive modernization, the company has also built a complete state of the art data center in Manila with the capacity of more than 5 petabytes and more than 1 million transactions per day.

The new portal makes LTO the most progressive agency in the Philippines and one of the most advanced government agencies worldwide.

Picture at http://www.apimages.com

Press contact
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH
Sven Böckler
Press Relations
Tel.: +49(40)413227-0


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