OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 3. péntek
Az Üzleti Sajtószolgálat (Original Text Service - OTS) üzleti vállakozások, cégek, intézmények közleményeit, tájékoztatóit, meghívóit, állásfoglalásait közli. Szolgáltatásunk segítségével több mint 2000 újságírót és kommunikációs szakembert érhet el könnyen, gyorsan és költséghatékonyan – az Ön által megfogalmazott sajtóközleményt változtatás nélkül juttatjuk el az MTI-előfizetők szerkesztőségi rendszerébe vagy igény szerint akár a külföldi sajtóhoz is. (Az OTS anyagai nem képezik az MTI-kiadás részét, a szó szerint továbbított szövegekért minden esetben a közlő a felelős.)

2020. november 24., kedd 08:00

Oslo, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Budapest Commit to Clean Construction, Moving the Industry Towards a Sustainable Future
    London, UK, 24 November, 2020 (APA/OTS) - Four leading mayors are initial signatories to the C40 Clean Construction Declaration, pledging to work with industry to halve emissions from construction projects in their cities by 2030/ Construction is responsible for 23% of the world's GHG emissions - Today, the mayors of Oslo, Los Angeles, Mexico City and Budapest have pledged to halve emissions from all construction activities in their cities by 2030, in collaboration with leading companies and innovative business communities.

    Through C40's Clean Construction Declaration, mayors pledge to revolutionise the global construction industry and shift it towards a more sustainable future, to achieve "a thriving, resilient, healthy life for everyone in our cities, especially our most vulnerable communities."

The construction industry is currently responsible for over 23% of the world's GHG emissions and 30% of global resource consumption - business as usual would mean a dangerous global temperature increase of 3°C.

The Declaration sets bold, ambitious targets to develop net-zero emission buildings and infrastructure of the future by:
     -     Reducing embodied emissions by at least 50% for all new buildings and retrofits by 2030
     -     Reducing embodied emissions by at least 50% of all infrastructure projects by 2030
     -     Procuring and when possible using only zero emission construction machinery from 2025

The commitment to repurpose and retrofit existing building stock has huge potential to create new green jobs - vital for a green and just recovery from COVID-19.

Mayors will use their purchasing power to normalise zero emission construction machinery; demand supply chain transparency and accountability; embed clean construction policies into design, procurement and contracting processes, and building codes. Mayors' promise to approve at least one net-zero emission flagship construction project by 2025 and report annually on progress.

For the full version of this press release, please visit: https://www.c40.org/press_releases/clean-construction-declaration-launch

- Picture is available at AP Images (http://www.apimages.com) -

Hannah Prime, Media and Editorial Manager
+44 (0) 776 939 7801


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